Joel C Williams MD

Joel Williams, M.D. brings seven years of training and passion for complex fracture care, post-traumatic deformity, pelvis & acetabular surgery and complex hip surgery to Rush University Medical Center.


Hip Preservation Surgeries by Midwest Orthopaedics at RUSH

Hip Preservation Webinar - Joel Williams, M.D.

Hip Dysplasia Patient Back in Action

Joel Williams Interview at Rush Ortho

Interview on ABC7 Morning Show

Joel Williams, M.D.: New Trauma Surgeon At Rush

Source : Orthopedics This Week

Joel C. Williams, M.D., an orthopedic trauma surgeon specializing in complex hip disorders, has joined Midwest Orthopedics at Rush (MOR).

“Dr. Williams is a member of the Emerging Leaders Program with the American Orthopaedic Association. In addition to lecturing and presenting at orthopedic conferences across the country, he has written for publications including Orthopedics, Injury (International Journal of the Care of the Injured), and The Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma.”

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Sports Medicine Weekly: Dr. Joel Williams discusses sports injuries that affect athletes

Sports Medicine Weekly: Dr. Joel Williams discusses hip dysplasia in female athletes.

Hip Preservation & Periacetabular Osteotomy

Hip Preservation & Periacetabular Osteotomy

Clinical Update & Case Presentation

The hip is an incredibly complicated area of the body. When functioning correctly, the hip joint silently facilitates standing, walking, running, and sports. When the hip is not functioning correctly, it can be a debilitating source of pain that prevents individuals from living an active, pain free lifestyle.

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How Broken Bones Are Healed

Orthopedic surgeon explains treatments for Olympians, and us

“No matter how many rules and regulations, how much safety equipment and caution you have in the situation, you have powerful, athletic individuals trying their hardest to move a ball or jump their highest,” says Joel Williams, MD, an assistant professor of orthopedics and a specialist in orthopedic trauma and hip preservation at Rush. “It’s a lot of mass and a lot of velocity, and these sorts of injuries are a risk of being active in these sort of sports.”

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